Biohacking, Russel Kane and Skin Care

Hello beautiful you,


We’ve almost made it through the wet and cold start to the year. I am personally thrilled the days are becoming a teeny tiny bit warmer and a little bit brighter. Dog walk ice skating was getting a bit tiresome! When the sun shines it makes such a huge difference to our mood, our sleep and our motivation.


This week on Instagram I shared a video from the comedian Russel Kane. (If you haven’t seen it you can watch it here)


I had seen a video of him a couple of days earlier and thought to myself “Dammmmn! Russell’s skin is looking so good” Russel is 47 and looks in his early 30’s. Like, seriously he looks incredible. His skin is dewy and smooth, he looks radiant. In the quick clip from tiktok he talks about how he is effectively slowing down his natural ageing process by using chemistry + compounds. A series of processes we can call “Biohacking”


And I HAVE to explain this more because he absolutely hit the nail on the head.


Ageing isn’t just about getting older in years.


Our body produces cells, these cells all have a function. Eventually each individual cell will die because it runs out of energy or has become damaged, this then creates waste in the body and a new cell needs to be made. And so on and so on. 


This process happens constantly, every second of the day. Each cell in your body will have a lifespan, which will vary depending on its function.


Your body is able process the waste of dead cells and replace it with healthy new cells much more easily and quickly when you are younger.


As you get older in years, your body is less able to process the waste in the body, it is also less able to reproduce new cells. 


This causes ageing.


Still with me? Great lets keep going 🤓


Other factors that will cause more waste in the body to build up are things like smoking, pollution, UV light, intense exercise, stress, drinking alcohol, consuming inflammatory foods such as processed sugar.


These factors cause our cells to become damaged, to die and sometimes to mutate. This is where cancer begins to form


Your body fights to replace the damage but can be overwhelmed when we are living a lifestyle that creates a whole heap of junk inside it.


We know, because science literally tells us, that by increasing or introducing certain compounds and chemistry within the body, we can improve the waste removal and keep our cell renewal consistent so that we age more slowly.


We call this biohacking, which is basically using external hacks to optimise the biology of our body.


This is what antiageing products, treatments and supplements are aiming to do. We are able to make changes to the skin on a cellular level, right from the day the cells are born, so that they are the best, most healthy skin cells, muscle fibres, pigment cells etc you can possibly have.


Knowing all of this has lead me over the years to select each treatment that is available in the clinic today. I have chosen them because each treatment has the purpose of working at this deeper, cellular level.


Below is how these advanced skin treatments are biohacking your skin back into youthful health and providing facial rejuvenation


The DMK ENZYME THERAPY treatments are able to flush the skin of cellular waste, stimulate new cell growth and PROTECT this cell grow from future damage. Their home care protects and nurtures new cell growth daily. (if you have experienced the DMK mask and felt that crazy pulsing and concrete like feeling you will understand  now what is going on inside!) Perfect for sun damage repair and hyperpigmentation treatments


ALUMIERMD Chemical Peels are able to retrain the skins behaviour at a cellular level so that they work how they are supposed to. Their home care is able the continue this process so your skin continues to reduce waste, rebuild skin cells and protect itself from further damage. This is amazing for skin that is malfunctioning and creating conditions such as acne and rosacea 


PYRAMID stimulates cell growth by being able to penetrate the skin past the surface layer and enter into the dermis. This is the layer of the skin where collagen and skin cells are actually created, new cells are born because the treatment MAKES them be born. This rebirth of collagen is something our body slowly stops doing as we age. this is one of my favourite collagen treatments or skin tightening treatments


Oxygenation Radio Frequency energises skin cells with oxygen to help give them the energy to stay alive for longer. This treatment is packed with antioxidants that protect your skin so that free radicals (the nasty bits that cause cell damage) cant cause the damage or mutations in the first place. The treatment helps remove waste by stimulating the lymphatic system, this is the bodies waste removal system and it can get sluggish as we get older. Incredible for wrinkle reduction or wrinkle removal


Lipofirm creates new collagen fibres and strengthens muscle fibres to help improve cell structure on the body. This helps make skin look smoother and tighter because the cells are fresh and new. This is a great body skin tightening treatments


Profhilo forces huge amounts of collagen to be made and props the skin back up with hyaluronic acid, something we make less of as we get older


Advanced Nutrition Programme contains skin specific levels of nutrients to help feed your skin from inside. They are the best way to combat cell damage and are an essential way to protect your skin simply by taking such a high quality supplement. They replenish the fats we need, protect your cells + tell new ones to be made, stop hormones going where they shouldn’t and make sure the actual structure of the cell walls we make is so bloody wonderfully formed our skin looks younger. It is like taking an internal skin doctor


If you have made it this far I hope you can see how passionate I am about the services I provide. SW Skin Therapy is not your typical salon, each treatment is incredibly advanced to be able to provide you with premium, scientifically researched skin services.


So if you have been enjoying your treatments and didn’t know that you are getting some of the most elite skin care in the actual WORLD!! You do now 😁 and well done you for investing in the best for yourself.


Your skin is absolutely in safe hands. 


If it’s been a while and are wondering which of the treatments would be best for your next visit, as an existing client of SW Skin Therapy you can book a free skin consultation and we can go through the options. To book visit here: And choose skin check up. Or reply to this email with any questions and Il get back to you.


See you soon




p.s a little heads up. AlumierMd have announced that they will be increasing the price of their retail and professional products from the 1st February. Now is the best time to stock up on your home care before the price change comes into effect. 


To stock up visit here and log into your account or make a new account if you haven’t done that already:


Falling in Love with yourself this February


Rewards for your beautiful loyalty